Low Dose Allergy Treatment (LDA)

Low Dose Allergy Treatment is a form of enzyme potentiated desensitization (EPD). This is a very low dose or homeopathic allergy treatment method.

What LDA is and how it works:

“EPD” or “Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization” was developed from a chance observation by Dr. Frantisek Popper, an Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician working in London in 1959. He found that “Hyaluronidase” injected into the nasal mucosa of patients with nasal polyps sometimes relieved sneezing. Then Dr. Len M. McEwen of London in 1967 showed that the enzyme “beta glucuronidase” derived from hyaluronidase had desensitizing activity. Beta glucuronidase mixed with a tiny dose of allergen or antigen could desensitize humans and animals.

Low Dose Allergy treatment or Enzyme Potentiated Immunotherapy produces tolerance to allergens at the cellular level.

The precise “ultra low doses of allergens” required for enzyme potentiated desensitization with the enzyme beta glucuronidase have led some authorities to consider LDA to be compatible with Homeopathic principles.

Beta glucuronidase is now recognized as a natural biological response modifier and under normal circumstances is likely to be a significant physiological up regulator of the lymphocyte immune system.

All present evidence is that LDA restores/ reinforces the natural active cellular immune tolerance to specific environmental antigens (allergens), which has broken down in allergic disease.

The Safety of Low Dose Allergy Immunotherapy: LDA uses a natural pathway of immune modulation at a strength less than that which occurs in nature. The treatment would be expected to be exceptionally safe. In a United States study, repeated ear infections in children responded to LDA better than any other condition. Many double-blinded studies have proven the effectiveness and safety of the LDA (EPD) treatment. LDA is discussed as “EPD” or Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization in current medical textbooks including the medical textbook “Food Allergy and Intolerance” by Dr. Jonathon Brostoff et al.

LDA allergy treatment in hundreds of patients over the last 20 years. The enzyme beta glucuronidase and the ultra low dose antigens required for treatment were first produced in England by McEwen Laboratories and they became FDA approved for use in this country under an investigational protocol that Dr. Robbins participated in for over ten years. When it became unavailable from England, we were able to obtain it from College Pharmacy under the direction of Dr. W.A. Shrader in the U.S. Dr. Albert Robbins is one of the original investigational members of the American EPD Society and took the original courses given by Dr. Len McEwen in London, England as well as those currently sponsored by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine…(AAEM.com)

Simple inhalant allergy treatment with Low Dose Allergy Immunotherapy:

Pollen, dusts, molds, and animal danders can be treated with a minimum of preparation.

Other Non-atopic (usually non IgE mediated) allergic conditions require more preparation:

Asthma, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome and crohn’s, urticaria, allergic arthritis, genitourinary allergy, neurologic allergy, food allergy, and chemical sensitivity all may require more sophisticated evaluation for treatment.

Precautions required for best results: To promote the maximum beneficial effect of LDA, these are the important recommendations:

Improve environmental controls beginning two weeks prior to the LDA injection. Avoidance of cats, dogs, and clean up of a dusty or moldy house. And it is important to stop using all fragrances and fabric softeners.
Improve nutrition and diet beginning two weeks before the LDA injection. A low yeast diet and/or a rare foods diet may be recommended and prescribed.
Eliminate any hidden infections prior to injection
Eliminate any hidden yeast infections (using gut preparation) prior to LDA injection. Elimination from the gut of hidden yeast infection with Diflucan or Nystatin/Amphotericin is the minimum precaution especially in treatment of food allergy.
In most patients it will be wise to prepare for LDA with Fluconazole or Itraconazole. A yeast free diet alone is not adequate to eliminate vaginal Candidiasis.
Bismuth eliminates yeast and Heliobacter from the gut and should be used in the gut preparation.
Use the special nutrient protocol that enhances the effect of LDA after the injection
Zantac used prior to the LDA injection may potentiate the benefit of the injection in food allergic individuals
You are not to take an injection of LDA if:

you are in the first five days of a cold
you are pregnant
you have just been immunized
you have had dental work within 7 days
you take pain killers or aspirin within 3 days
you are on singulair, cod liver oil, evening primrose oil, or vitamin C…..ulcer drugs like zantac or tagamet…(*although tagamet and zantac may enhance the effect of EPD if taken prior to the injection…
you are on asthma inhalers
you are on diet pills
you have cold sores
After the LDA injection you must:

Avoid Aspirin, anti-inflammatories, and Acetaminophen for 3 weeks.
Avoid alcohol for 10 days.
Avoid immunizations and dental treatment for two weeks.
The Basic LDA Diet (unnecessary with only inhalant allergy injection):
consists of avoiding the foods you usually eat… for three days-the day before, the day of, and the day after the EPD injection…

These foods are allowed-sweet potato…….yam…..cassava…..sago….lamb……fish not usually eaten….….cooked cabbage….celery…lettuce….rhubarb

When to take LDA Injections:

They are given every three months: April 15-May 15; July15-August 15; October 15th to November 15; and January 15-February 15

For pollen allergies the best time for an inhalant injection is prior to ragweed season

Insurance coverage and acceptance in the medical community: LDA is currently not covered by American health insurance carriers.

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